Types of Initial Consultations, Assessments & Services that we offer:
To make a booking, click the associated link, complete the form and pay the correct amount by credit card or you may pay by bank transfer.
Initial consultation and assessment (Individual only)(30-45 mins) | $330.00 |
Initial consultation and assessment (couple or family unit which includes dependent children)(45-60 mins) | $440.00 |
Urgent matter or longer consultations (45-90mins) | $660.00 |
Character consultation (suitable for clients who have convictions and need specialist advice)(60-120mins) | $880.00 |
Complex immigration matters e.g. visa/citizenship refusals, character cancellations, appeals (180-240 mins) | $1,650.00 |
Fee Policy:
- All consultations include a free VEVO check.
- Additional fees apply for administration and reviewing documents and information.
- Clients will be advised to book an additional consultation if further advice is required.
- Consultations that exceed the specified timeframe incur additional charges of $5.50 per minute.
Services that may follow an initial consultation and assessment. Note: These services are not available to clients who have not had an initial consultation and assessment.
Payments can be made by Credit Card of via a Bank Transfer:
Morunga Migration Pty Ltd
BSB: 065-157
Account: 1042 6674
Reference: Your First and Last Name
Additional Information
- Conditions: Additional charges may apply for administrative tasks, after-hour consultations, and urgent service needs.
- Cancellation & No Show Policy: Cancellations made more than 48 hours before the scheduled appointment are free of charge. For cancellations made at least 24 hours in advance, a fee of 50% of the consultation cost will apply. Cancellations made less than 24 hours before the appointment or no-shows will incur a 100% cancellation fee.
- Professional fees and associated applications costs are not part of the consultation fee and are quoted and charged separately.
*Examples of complex cases may include character issues, refusals, Schedule 3, No Further Stay, Section 48 barred cases, complex partner relationships, Seeking work rights, unlawful non-citizens, providing technical advice, visa cancellations, advice about the appeals process to the Administrative Review Tribunal and Protection visas.