Information for NZ Citizens

Under Australia’s laws, New Zealand citizens are not all treated the same despite often holding the same visa. This is because of changes to laws that have occurred over time which affects the way in which a New Zealand citizen may be regarded in certain circumstances e.g. taxation purposes, Social Security, applying for a visa of some sort, applying for Australian citizenship

For these reasons, it is important to understand the exact status of each individual New Zealand citizen and how laws apply to that person.

Various titles/labels that apply to New Zealand citizens that you may have heard of are:

  1. Eligible New Zealand citizen
  2. Non-eligible New Zealand citizen
  3. Special Category visa
  4. Subclass TY444
  5. 444 visa holder
  6. Protected SCV holder
  7. Non-protected SCV holder
  8. Exempt non-citizen
  9. Non-citizen

Some of these titles/labels mean the same thing and it’s important know their similarities and their differences.

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