Bridging Visas

Bridging visas allow a person to remain in Australia lawfully until such a time a particulary event or action has been completed as prescribed in the legislation

Bridging visas are temporary visa and they are not substantive visas but they assist in various immigration processes until final outcomes have been achieved such as waiting on a substantive visa to be finalised or in some instances, to allow a person to remain in the community whilst awaiting departure from Australia.

Bridging visas range in label and purpose and the most commonly dealt with visas that we see are BVA, BVB, BVC, BVE

The most favourable Bridging Visa to hold is a Bridging visa A.

A Bridging visa B allows a person to depart and re-enter Australia whilst the applicant is holding a Bridging visa A.

A Bridging visa C and lower do not allow the holder to return to Australia should they depart before an outcome has been achieved.

A Bridging visa E is granted to people who are generally unlawful for whatever reason and they need to act quickly in either applying for another visa or depart Australia. Note: Only limited and prescribed visas can be applied for when a person holds a Bridging visa E.

This information is not intended to be or taken as migration advice as each case varies in complexities and circumstances. You should always consult an immigration lawyer or a registered migration agent to form an informed opinion on your immigration matter.


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