How we Started

Written on 3 February 2022 by Erina Morunga

Kia ora!

Morunga Migration was created by Erina Morunga, Director and Registered Migration Agent of Morunga Migration.

Erina was born in Aotearoa/New Zealand and is of Māori and European descent. Her whānau/family originate from Te Tai Tokerau, the Hokianga and Whangarei. They migrated from Aotearoa to Australia in 2007 not realising they would face issues due to their immigration status in the years to come.

Erina is married, has 6 adult children and 8 mokopuna/grandchildren. Her professional background is Education and Migration Law & Practice and is particularly passionate about their unique (and widely misunderstood) immigration status as New Zealand citizens living in Australia.

In 2013 the journey began with Erina doing her own ‘backyard research’ and running information sessions around the country to raise awareness and education around the harm and negative impact immigration laws cause to New Zealand citizens living in Australia.

Due to the lack of professional support and specialised immigration advice in this area  Erina embarked on yet another journey to educate herself further. As a result, she studied Migration Law & Practice via the Australian National University in 2016.

Erina’s not quite sure how she managed to successfully complete the course because she said it was extremely difficult and there didn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to cram work, study and family into each day! Nevertheless, she’s grateful to have passed and to be here working in this much needed space.

Upon graduating in September 2017, Erina wasted no time in setting up Morunga Migration and has been advising and supporting fellow Kiwis since.

Erina believes experienced professionals are needed in the immigration industry who are specialised in this extremely difficult area of migration and citizenship law because there are far too many New Zealand citizens who are or can become vulnerable.

Erina concludes the journey to becoming a registered migration agent (RMA) has been a tough road but well worth the effort and the rewards of seeing families secure their futures is second to none.

One of her favourite sayings is “One by one we are building an army of voters with the aim to create a positive change for our New Zealand families and future generations who live in Australia.”

Goals for Morunga Migration

Like so many, Erina was raised to value the importance of whānau/family, social cohesion, giving people fair and equitable opportunities and taking good care of our communities.

She believes anyone who is allowed to live long term, particularly from childhood, has substantial ties and has made substantial contributions to Australia deserves security and peace of mind. She also believes, without a doubt, that New Zealand citizens are a vulnerable group of non citizens, largely because they cannot vote and don’t have any strong political representation.

​With this in mind, Erina’s number one goal is to support fellow New Zealand citizens in becoming dual Australian/New Zealand citizens in a timely and efficient manner. Once this is acheived they can become part of the democratic process, exercise their right to vote and to have security for themselves and their families, without discrimination or political barriers.

To achieve this, our unique service and experience was created to specifically assist fellow New Zealand citizens in achieving their immigration goals.

It is also her ongoing goal to continue highlighting the inequalities and inequities that have caused significant harm to our precious New Zealand community both here in Australia and those back home in Aotearoa.​


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